Marked room customs. I heard a player run up the outside stairs on that side so I posted up in hallway of the roof on 3rd floor. Marked room customs

 I heard a player run up the outside stairs on that side so I posted up in hallway of the roof on 3rd floorMarked room customs  Seen 3 empty spawns in the one by the helicopter and 1 on customs this wipe

There is an RNG chance of finding the mags there (just buy them). Press J to jump to the feed. 12 and some rooms that were amazing, now suck. 53K views 3 years ago. Marked room customs is the only place with a realistic chance of finding it. So far the best loot I've found is an SR-25 next to an Ash-12, so these keys have been pretty disappointing. CUSTOMS WARZONE (Marked Room Key) - Escape From Tarkov Highlights - LVNDMARKThanks for watching! Hope you liked the video. Run marked room at night, i like to go in either in budget gear or just a pistol with a few mags and scav backpack, if you get a relatively close spawn 2/3 times it will be empty, I often run in , loot marked and sprint out, Money cases, dogtag cases, med cases, RSASS rifles, all kinds of goodies. the marked room at the corner of the map on reserve is so dogshit its pathetic . Killed both as they opened the door, checked the room and it had a meds case, extracted and sold the case on flea for 750k. . Spawned in the other day to closest dorms spawn, came upstairs, killed reshala, looted marked (had a key tool which. 1. The whole weekend at least 80% hatchlings on Customs just running for Marked Room. I think customs is just a mix of all of the above. Dorm room 314 marked key - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Guide To Weapon Spawn Locations On Customs Map In Escape From Tarkov 1. I was able to scav in last night to Customs somehow with all the servers dropping out. Also most people leave rubles near books depending on your luck you can put 6000-10000 ruble into your alpha stash. Got a key tool and an injector case along with docs cases and wallets that are filled with key cards definitely worth it over the Merlin which so far I’ve only gotten a couple of her taxes some bitcoins and some other random assorted good and I’ve used it about 30. G. Verzweifle langsam ziemlich, immer wieder allein da mein Leben zu riskieren, aber ich will unbedingt den Key Bar der in dem Marked Room "sein könnte". I'm just finding it a bit stupid that a kappa required quest line is now relegated to jacket RNG in the tiny chance you can actually. Second was an ammo case, sr25, vector, and some 545 ps ammo. This key is used on the Customs map and required to complete Prapor’s Bad rep evidence quest. I got sandwiched on a recent trip to Marked Room in Customs. . . So I bought a marked key and brought it into Customs at night. Spawned with a marked key, I slipped that motherfucker up my butthole, rushed to dorms. Tarkov's new patch 0. You use the 3 reserved marked room keys to barter for the dorms marked room key. daminerfluff • 2 yr. It’s one of the most profitable maps and requires 0 investment, because frankly you don’t even need to loot Kiba. How to write a Room Controls profile Getting Started. 5mil, it would eclipse every other part of the map, and that would be a bad thing. Check the video for the looting. every raid I looked at this door. Learn about best loot locations in Tarkov. GeneticBlackSheep • 3 mo. There is a strange symbol scratched onto it. Unlocks the marked room in the three-story dorms on. Fun fact: I died 3 minutes later to a duo. Dorm 314, or the marked room on Customs, is on of the rarest keys in all of Tarkov, and one of the most dangerous areas to loot. Some nice chill marked runs would be nice, now with all the knowledge and without gear fear. Second point: Learn the map, very important info. You can use the Documents Bag to do the same and it allows you to stash money as well. Honestly if I had it I'd run it even though the loot has gone downhill over a couple wipes or whatever, you pop an injectors case once it's paid for the. Abandoned factory marked key (Aband. There was literally nothing in there. Health Resort universal utility room key. The PvP can be quite a camp fest at times, but the 'Marked Room' makes it all worth it! I. It is an enclosed lot with storage units going all around and storage units in the center making three rows. A Flyye MBSS Backpack can spawn inside Room 310 located in the Three-Story Dorms Building on Customs. I've also seen people get sicc cases, red keycards and weapon cases and all sorts but that was months ago and i cannot find any up to date videos on what they spawn. In t. A 3rd wondrous scav approached, he had a bandage, the day was saved. A key from mysterious marked room on Customs. I managed to find a trade for RB-KSM. Eft is a absolute saints gem in my eyes, I wish nothing but the best days and luck to the eft team and the very best. Keys Customs. East Wing Room 310 Key [San. Closed. . ago. Im also searching for that fckin. Ive never really set foot in the dorms let alone marked room on customs, Maybe now that all the top tier armoured players wont go there maybe I can get something. You will be able to open the elite room with top spawn. Maybe not as good as lighthouse, but you can still easily make 500k-1mil per run looting non-locked areas. I haven’t been going to marked room in a while but I was wondering if they increased the spawn rate for these kinds of things? I think he mentioned out of 100 raids he found 8-10 of either weapons or med cases. Documents case (DocCase) is a Container in Escape from Tarkov. 13. One Wooden crate Loose. This room also frequently spawns. Customs marked room key only has 10 uses…. Marked can nothing but ammo just all luck marked has been pretty shit for me so your not alone. The Shoreline area makes up a large part of the outskirts of Tarkov and is located next to the Port. So freaking annoying if you got time to spawn some raids and then your the only geared dude picking up 4 hachling noobs in. So customs marked room is one my favorite spots to go in tarkov, but I noticed this wipe that it isn't to be spotted on the flea market. . The secret Federal State Reserve Agency base that, according to urban legends, contains enough supplies to last for years: food, medications, and other resources, enough to survive an all-out nuclear war. Field case for document storage The Documents case is a container with the purpose of saving space within the player's inventory. I got both the Merin car key and the Hillside house key for lighthouse and neither are really worth the money. . Went to the 3rd level, and ran straight to an open marked room door with. The Storage Units is located on the east side of the Customs map. . last seen was going for 800k . I have found One Keybar, Two Weapons Cases, one Ammo Case, Two money cases, And two docs cases. you may get luckyI got the willlerz wallet from the scav junkbox but I have friends that have found them in marked room customs. It was filled with top tier loot, cases, and other valuable items. I have had amazing loot so far from marked on customs. I found my first marked key in a coat. Avg price (24h) Per slot. My buddy that had a key before the dropdown was known found a docs case 2 times in a row and a keycard holder on the 3rd use. This is a required location for the quest Pharmacist In Jackets In Drawers Pockets and bags of Scavs The first floor of the two-story dorms on Customs. And this is the reason I always clear this spot before unlocking that door. A. level 1. Is marked room worth looting in escape from tarkov? Marked room has been changed many times throughout the past few years, however in patch 12. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. So the dorms marked room key is worth more than all 3 reserve room keys combined. If you’re more patient, I found pestilys old video to be also short enough and v. This is a location for the quest Golden Swag 1 needs to be found for the quest Trust Regain In Jackets In Drawers Pockets and bags of Scavs The third floor of the three-story dorms on Customs. Marked rooms have changed significantly since the release of 12. That’s not entirely true, pistol cases have been spawning in the old gas station for a while. The first marked spot is located in the “Marked room” (dorm room 314) on the third floor of the 3-story dorms on Customs. And sure enough, I win every marked run, kill multiple PMCs (where before I ran the fuck away ASAP), have 10+ scav kills every round, loot every room and safe of the dorms, including marked. Kann dir einen Marked Key geben, bei Interesse, schreib mir ne PN. The Marked Room has the best loot table on the Customs map as items such as weapons, weapon parts, high quality barter items and even cases can spawn here. The purpose of this megathread is to consolidate links to posts about all new/updated content in the game and for general discussion of it as well. havent gotten one yet to test what the highest price for lowest tax is, but yall greedy mfers are the ones who ruin the flea then complain about the changes. Marked room key is only up for barter right now, if your lucky you might find one for cash. I haven’t found hardly any keys of any kind. They only wanted 80 rounds of M80. Best Keys for Customs. Injector case, docs case with yellow card and a whole bunch of garbage in ~15 uses. just play shoreline and interchange you will get enough trade items for one in a couple days depending on how much time you have to play. Go and cross the bridge and loot everything you can see if you want some items. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutstry less populated time frame (for me it is usually late at night or early in the morning). If you spawn on the hill behind Dorms you are the first one there. Bought a customs marked key for 800k yesterday, first time I went there a duo beat me to the room so I pushed them. Its not only the customs marked room. Nope, different keys. 50% Upvoted. I got a med case, a dogtag case, a keybar, two holodilnicks, two ammo cases, a doc case, as well as a handful of okish guns. On top of that, you have a debatable marked room to loot if you have the key. The marked room is on the 3rd floor of the 3 story dorm on customs. Under Devices, toggle Enable Room Controls to on (blue). 30. Will have to go check it out when the spawns are returned to normal, hopefully. I used it all of the 25 times and easily made over 4* million. This room is known for frequently spawning storage containers, which are some of the highest value items in Escape From Tarkov. 5. Op · 1y. I'm not sure about the spawn you are mentioning but Interchange would probably be a better bet than customs overall for getting a GasAn. I'm aware that this room has been nerfed, but I wasn't aware that it was basically rendered useless. I had the closest spawn and checked a few rooms upstairs near marked room. Health Resort management warehouse safe key. This is an item required for the quest Chemical - Part 1 This is a location for the quest Chemical - Part 2 In Drawers In Jackets Pockets and bags of Scavs In a train car on the western side of the location The second floor of the. What does it open? - Room 310 on the third floor of Health Resort's East Wing, Shoreline. You have a chance to get the best items in the game. A large area of industrial park land situated adjacent to the factory zone. 2 of us burst into action to find your saviour. Even Jaegers marked key barter isn't possible since RB-PKPM is all barters for the customs marked key lol. Press J to jump to the feed. I have done alot of marked room, I typically try to go there everytime i go to customs. It is entirely RNG. 5mil key. They can spawn some pretty good loot but they usually require a key. File cabinets or Interchange Oli / Techno / Techlite are your best bets. 13 Patch, I opened the room 10 times and made some solid profit!Thanks for watching,. 11 Content Megathread. Loose loot (Roubles)All EFT keys, what they unlock, and where to find them - maps included!All the good keys are on the flea for barter only ATM. Leaflet. Wiki. Keys and key cards with a limited number of uses have their remaining durability shown in the bottom right corner of their icon and in their inspection screen. If it consistently brought 300k-1. This key usually spawns in Room 220 in Customs. We provided you with one bandage. 7. Scav boss, military checkpoint (honestly crap loot spot), marked room, customs office safe, gas station meds room, warehouse by old gas with the 2 weapon crates. Legit players would like a reason to rush marked room :D. Eg: "Factory Key" or "Customs (All Keys)" Click the map markers for more info. The key for this marked room on Reserve (in the clip) by the train station is called "RB-VO". Dorm room 314 can contain powerful weapons, high-quality barter pieces, and various cases. Hit customs marked room, it's only 60k and I usually get great loot from there. Tarkov Marked key for Sale. My immediately feeling is regret. ) is a Key in. U. Dorm room 303 key (Dorm 303) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. But something has changed. Edit: Literally the only solution is to remove key bartering and force keys to drop in value or lower the flee. (Both marked as "1" on our map). Where to find it? - There are two spawn locations of this key on Customs: 1 - at the Crossroads Extraction point in the blue van (front seat); 2 - Customs's trailer park, inside the bus, on a seat. A key to the three-story dormitory with a tag reading "315" on it. On top of the weapon locker is a small safe where you can find cash and other rare items. Reply More posts you may like. Marked room i believe. Before writing a Room Controls Profile, some working knowledge of JSON is needed. I know nothing about it basically but I assume even half the price it costs by making it less rare will still do all that. 11,051₽. Here i am in dorms and suddenly the third story door on the right side by marked room suddenly opens. I'll take a 50% good door haha. I go over th. ) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. . · 10m. 5 million. I don't understand why they make a game that involves so many keys, only to make the damn key bar so hard to get!I traded my dorm marked room key for a singular bottle of whiskey. Hi everyone, welcome to Tarkov Lights - The News of Tarkov. Reserve marked rooms aren't all that amazing compared to how they used to be, but Customs Marked Room is still a banger. 9 drop rate for it was increased. Shoreline is a location in Escape from Tarkov. Keys Customs. There is also another marked room on Reserve over by the helicopter in the basement of the black pawn building, that key is "RB. Sell to trader. A FREAKING WEAPONS CASE left on the ground (empty of course). The first few times I opened it, the loot was already. They have a mark on the door or around the doorwell and down very strange things going on inside. Dear Scav who just bled out on interchange. It’s an easy money maker with fun pvp. Drop chance must be higher. The Dorm Room 214 Key spawns in the Storage Units on the west side of the Customs map. This room is located on the third floor of the. While this change is cutting the amount of uses below 50% of what it was last wipe, if they have changed the spawns in the marked rooms to be more profitable then this could be a good change. Main problem with Interchange isn't the dark corners, it's the fact your flashlight is visible through walls and floors. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. ago. ) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. Personally, I would keep it and run marked room now while there are only a small handful of them in circulation and marked room is commonly left alone in raids. level 1 · 11 mo. Keep checking scav. 2. Marked rooms have been pretty normal for early-wipe marked rooms for me so far. It is located at the end of the hall in the three story dorms building. The area houses a partially abandoned village, modern private housing, agricultural fields, long stretches of beach, a boating facility, gas station, weather station,. But also currently a marked key costs 60k, divide that by 25 and a single use is roughly 2000ish roubles. 4.